“The Horror of Herod’s Hatred & Rage” (Matthew 2 1-23)
FOCUS (the core of the content to be communicated)
The passage of scripture we’re looking at today is one of many passages in the Bible that tell us how real the battle is between God & Satan, good & evil, right & wrong, light & darkness, life & death. This is an undeniable & unavoidable reality. While we can’t do anything to stop it, we most definitely must acknowledge & address it. To avoid, overlook or ignore it makes as much sense as going skydiving without a parachute. We need to have the right mindset, commitment & equipment (that equipment being the Word of God & the power & Spirit of God) to fight the fight in the battle in which we find ourselves.
That the arrival of Jesus was accompanied by such hellish & demonic opposition tells us that our relationship & walk with God will be too.
Herod was …
1. an evil, ruthless & power-hungry tyrant.
He did whatever he could to be in control & remain in power. - Matthew 2:3-8 & 13-18
2. allowed by God to do what He did.
As with Judas, Pilate & Satan himself, God let Herod do what he did. - Matthew 19-23
Making It Real
1] Will you not shy away from Herod’s role in the story of Jesus’ birth?
2] In what ways does having to acknowledge this impact you?
Action Step
Ask God to help you embrace & be willing to talk about this dark reality
that accompanied Christ’s birth in a redemptive way in the days ahead.
Cornerstone Community Church 5344 Fishcreek Rd Stow OH 44224 <>< ><> Pastor Dan Page December 18, 2022 www.ccc-stow.faithlifesites.com